Thursday, 22 May 2014

New Website!

Well folks I haven't blogged on here in quite a while. I ruptured a disc in my back a couple of months and I guess I kind of lost my blogging mojo. I wasn't able to get up and move around much so that meant no painting either.

However I am feeling pretty good now and back to work preparing for my upcoming exhibition. In light of that I made a pretty momentous decision. Well comparatively speaking that is.  I decided that I needed to lose the brand and concentrate on backing myself as an artist. I am proud of my art, and I've been working hard on being a 'proper artist'.
So from now on I am standing behind my own name and not hiding behind a brand name.

And on that note, I'm going to send you all along to my new website.

Have a look around and be sure to bookmark the site! You can still follow me on google+ , facebook, pinterest and twitter where I'll share links to blog posts on my new site.
Drop me a line over on the new site and let me know what you think of it!

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Friday, 28 March 2014

New Work!

Thought I'd do a quick post to show you all my two newest works! Slowly but surely getting a stock up for the exhibition in September. What do you think?

Following, Into The Unknown. Mixed Media on canvas, 30" across

Displaying SavedPicture(3).jpg
Defiance. Mixed media on canvas, 36 x 48"

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Monday, 24 March 2014

An Open Letter To Book Lovers Across The World

A little note from my Dad.....

We all stand on the hands of the clock face of time. At first, when we are young the hands moved slowly, then as the dramas of our lives unfolded, the hands of time seem to speed up and there never seemed to be enough time to do all of the things that living a life requires in this crazy world. Every now and then we took a moment to reflect on the things that have happened in our own little world, we watched as our children grew from babies to adulthood, and we wondered where the time had gone, and this is the place that I find myself in now. The doorway has opened to the autumn of my life. I look back through weary eyes, and I reflect on the things that were, those that I knew, and those whose lives were never fulfilled. I am at the final fork on the road of my life and I wonder as to where it shall lead me.

I recently wrote a book about my journey through life. It starts out with me as a child in an orphanage in the 1950's in Australia. The road that I travelled as a child along with other orphan children was littered with pot holes of despair and caverns of darkness. From my earliest recollections I was searching for a father who had once loved me, but had left me when I was three years old with no explanation. The authorities said that I had no right to any information about my family. I was 16 when I asked for their help. It would take me another 31 years to find out the truth. I spent 47 years of my life in total trying to find out the truth about my fathers death and where we had come from, and who I was. Along the road I was involved in the death of a young policeman. The death of that young man played an important part in me finding what I had been been searching for, for so many years, and I dedicated my book to his memory. My search took me across the world to Ireland and to the land of my family who I had never known.

My book is called  A Long Way To Goulacullin.  Goulacullin is pronounced Gill A Cullin. It is Gaelic and means River By The Glen. It is a place that is dear to my heart and on Sunday the 30th of March I will be travelling back there. You can follow my journey over the following two weeks on my Facebook page. John Kingston McMahon. I live in a small town called Gordon in the state of Victoria, Australia. Now the reason that I'm writing this post is to promote my book. It was released on December the 5th 2013. Just 15 weeks ago. It already has some good reviews, two from newspapers and one from that eminent book review company Kirkus. There are also some good reviews on the Amazon Kindle site. So far people in New Zealand, Italy, America, Ireland and Australia have read my story. I am very gratified by this, but a book is a commodity like any other product, and if the commodity is not marketed then hardly anyone will hear about it.

So I am asking book lovers and people from around the world if they could please share this post even if they don't want to buy and read my story.

I would also love to hear from anyone that has read my post, and, or my book and if you could email me to let me know what country that you live in, that would be great. I will reply to your email. I'm an old bloke who is trying to keep up with the technology that seems to change almost every day. So I thought that if I used the internet to promote my story, I could also see if this technology does connect people from around the world.

My email is and my name is John.

Writing my story was emotionally very hard for me, for it is a sad story, and those of you with a soft heart may cry a little when you read it, but that's okay, because if you read my story and you shed a tear, then you shed tears for the children in my story that had no one to cry for them, and that can't be a bad thing. But as hard as it was to write this story, it pales into insignificance in trying to get a book published. I don't have the time to wait months, or possibly years for a mainstream publisher to decide if they wanted to publish my book. So I took the bull by the horns and self published my story.

All that means is that I paid for the publishing costs and in doing so, it allows me to get my book into the market place sooner. But like all amateurs  I had no idea on how to market my book. But I'm getting there, and with your help I can promote it more. I don't have a publishing budget like the big publishing houses, in fact, I don't have a budget at all. I'm not a wealthy man, I just had a need to write this story, and it seems to have struck a chord with people who have read it, so I am grateful for that. You can buy my book on lots of internet sites, for a variety of prices. I found that Amazon Kindle is about the cheapest place to buy it from, either as an Ebook, paper or hard back. But recently I was invited to sell my book with an American magazine company. The company is called Focus on Women and you can see my book on their web site I was happy to become involved with this company and 15 per cent of every copy of my book that they sell goes to the Afghan women's charity that assists abused and mutilated women, so if you have a mind to buy my book, you may pay a little more, but if it helps those who need a helping hand, then that can't be a bad thing.

In this so called enlightened world that we live in, there is still so much suffering and hardship and I wonder why. The picture on the cover of my book is me with my Teddy bear. I was three years old when the photo was taken, probably at the orphanage. My old Teddy is still around, he seems to have worn the years better than I have.

So book lovers from around the world can you help me promote my book, purely as an act of kindness for a stranger? Will you all share my post and let me see as to how far it will go?

You can see the video trailer of my book at and the Kirkus book review is below.  Thank you all for reading and sharing this.

A Long Way To Goulacullin  by John Kingston McMahon

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Sunday, 23 March 2014

Work In Progress!

Expect to see quite a few work in progress posts during this year, now that I have a major exhibition to work towards! I'll be doing lots of work, so will post updates of them for you all to see. 

I'm aiming for at least 25 artworks in my exhibition, and given I have 4 completed I think I'm going to be busy! So here is #3 in my Abstract Illustration, Animals series....the Moose. I've titled this one Defiance, in deference to the don't give a rats attitude that apparently Moose have. This one certainly seems to have that sort of stance. 

I love doing the backgrounds to these paintings. I start with a coloured ground, then mountains of gesso very liberally applied over the top. 

 I then use ink pouring it straight from the bottle, letting it run down the canvas. Some parts I rub in with my hands, some I leave alone. I keep repeating this process until I'm happy and then I begin with the oil pastel, adding highlights again until I'm happy with the overall composition and colours.

 Once I determine the right location compositionally speaking, for my animal of choice I let loose with the ink again. And this is the final result. I love my moose! Next up I think is an Emperor Penguin cradling an egg.....

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Friday, 21 March 2014

Art Lessons Update!

I have become a terrible blogger lately! My posts have been very sporadic and I can really only blame it on a busy life! I am very sorry and I will try to post more often, I promise!!

So today I thought I'd share a little bit of an update on my afterschool lessons so far. I can't quite believe there are only 3 weeks left of term 1, so I have a bit to fill you all in on.

So far this term we have done:

Week 1- Self portraits and gouache

Week 2 - Space drawings and soft pastel

Week 3 - Colour wheels and mixing your own colour

Week 4 - Foam printing using foam sheets and pens

Week 5 - Silhouettes and charcoal

Week 6 - Contour drawings including continuous line drawings

Week 7 - Collage and perspective

Here are a couple of examples from the foam printing and silhouettes classes:

Emily - we did get the knack of writing backwards in the end!




Here are some photos from yesterdays lesson, which was perspective and collage. The idea was to create the perspective that you were laying down looking up at the sky through the trees. This lesson gave them all a little bit more a  challenge, which I had deliberately planned. They all at least got one tree and building done, but some students were able to add in a little more in the time we had available. It took all of the hour and a half to get this one done!
Backgrounds were painted with acrylic paint, the buildings and trees were initially done in collage - the kids had to tear or cut up their own paper and then choose appropriate sized and coloured pieces to work with. I did let them sketch out their trees first, then after the collage was done, they used black and white ink to paint in a little detail. 

All the kids working studiously.







Olivia M.


Olivia H.
All these kids are between the ages of 8 and 12. I think they are fantastic and it shows how much talent and enthusiasm they all have that they are able to achieve such great results. I love teaching them and I'm excited about next week's lesson.

We will be doing transcriptions, so I can't wait to see what they come up with! Be sure to leave a comment about their work; I love to pass on what others have said as it only adds to their confidence.


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Saturday, 15 March 2014

A Major Solo Exhibition In The Works!

I know I've been quite slack on the posting side of things lately - I do have a couple of artists features still to share with you all and I need to catch up on the lesson posts. My students have been doing some wonderful work: I'm so impressed with them all!

But in other news, I had applied for an arts residency and while I wasn't successful I had contacted them for some feedback and was very excited at their response. After being just a little down in the dumps that I hadn't gotten the residency when he gave me feedback it certainly cheered me up no end!

He said that my application was fantastic and it was more of a testament to the overall quality of all the applications, rather than anything being wrong with mine.  Mine was one of the top 5, and of those the 4 'runners up' were so close that they simply couldn't decide on a second winner.

So when I went in to meet with him yesterday he offered me a two week City funded exhibition, plus they'll employ me to run a 3 hour workshop concurrently with the exhibition! He said that they were very excited to be working with me, and he loved my work and thought it was unique to the area and will definitely be a great thing for not just me but also the City!

The exhibition will be run in the last half of September, and there will be an official opening with City Dignitaries present! I'm super excited about it, and just a little bit nervous as well. I have to now decide on how many works I want to do, placement of them within the 83sqm gallery space and invitation and catalogue design. And then also of course who I want to attend the opening! 

I guess there's nothing left but to get painting and creating!! Wish me luck! 

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Sunday, 9 March 2014

I Love My Chucks!

I don't think it's a secret that I love love love my Converse Chuck Taylors. They are my favourite shoes ever and I have several pairs. But as with everything in life (or at least inanimate objects), you may have several of something but one will always stand out as top dog, and as it was with my shoes. I am not really a typical girl when it comes to needing to have a million pairs of shoes, and I own only one or possibly two pairs of heels. But I have a long desired for pair of Doc Martens and several pairs of Chucks, along with a pair of thongs (flip flops for all you non-Aussies - I am not referring to underwear here, haha!) and maybe a pair of flats. That's pretty much it. 

So my favourite pair of Chucks tends to get a lot of wear!  I have worn the same pair on a very consistent basis - read as close to everyday as you can get - since I got them in early 2010. And now they have officially died. Yes, I'm a little heartbroken about it. 

You can't overly see it in these photos, but when I put them on my feet kind of fall out of the holes on the sides of the shoes. :(

I designed them myself on the Converse website and as you can see, they really are beyond wearing now. So to cheer myself up, I decided to decorate another pair that I do love almost equally as much. And I say almost, but I probably should love them even more. You see I wore another pair of Chucks that I designed on the website to my wedding. I had a knee length dress and a cute pair of white high tops with pink love hearts adorning the lining. I have mine and my husbands initials embroidered onto the shoes, and I drew a heart in between the initials. 

I hadn't worn them overly much since the wedding partly because I love the others so much, but also because they're white I didn't want to just have them end up grubby. So I decorated them and I love them. Now they're my new favourites! What do you think?



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