Friday, 21 March 2014

Art Lessons Update!

I have become a terrible blogger lately! My posts have been very sporadic and I can really only blame it on a busy life! I am very sorry and I will try to post more often, I promise!!

So today I thought I'd share a little bit of an update on my afterschool lessons so far. I can't quite believe there are only 3 weeks left of term 1, so I have a bit to fill you all in on.

So far this term we have done:

Week 1- Self portraits and gouache

Week 2 - Space drawings and soft pastel

Week 3 - Colour wheels and mixing your own colour

Week 4 - Foam printing using foam sheets and pens

Week 5 - Silhouettes and charcoal

Week 6 - Contour drawings including continuous line drawings

Week 7 - Collage and perspective

Here are a couple of examples from the foam printing and silhouettes classes:

Emily - we did get the knack of writing backwards in the end!




Here are some photos from yesterdays lesson, which was perspective and collage. The idea was to create the perspective that you were laying down looking up at the sky through the trees. This lesson gave them all a little bit more a  challenge, which I had deliberately planned. They all at least got one tree and building done, but some students were able to add in a little more in the time we had available. It took all of the hour and a half to get this one done!
Backgrounds were painted with acrylic paint, the buildings and trees were initially done in collage - the kids had to tear or cut up their own paper and then choose appropriate sized and coloured pieces to work with. I did let them sketch out their trees first, then after the collage was done, they used black and white ink to paint in a little detail. 

All the kids working studiously.







Olivia M.


Olivia H.
All these kids are between the ages of 8 and 12. I think they are fantastic and it shows how much talent and enthusiasm they all have that they are able to achieve such great results. I love teaching them and I'm excited about next week's lesson.

We will be doing transcriptions, so I can't wait to see what they come up with! Be sure to leave a comment about their work; I love to pass on what others have said as it only adds to their confidence.


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