Monday, 20 February 2012

How to paint faces in oil

Well, it's Monday, and that means it's painting day! My painting class is on Monday morning, and so that meant today  I got to work some more on my transcription of Grammatica's Theorbo Player. I have never done people/portraits in paint before, I've only ever drawn them. So this was a little daunting to say the least. I'm very happy with how he's coming along though! We are allowed complete freedom with how we paint these, so long as the basic composition stays the same. So I am going for a 'sketchy' look I guess with the paint. I don't want anything overworked, I want it to have movement.

My Theorbo Player, except he's playing an electric guitar!

I was worried about getting the right tone on the skin, but I needn't have been. Not trying to make this a picture perfect photo image means I can play around with colour and create something aesthetically pleasing without having to stress over making the skin tone look 'real'. As it is, I think he's definitely starting to look like someone with Mediterranean skin tones! I love how his mohawk looks. I'm planning on adding some blue and pink to the tips of it. He will also have a big earring and an eyebrow piercing as well! His clothing is remaining similar to the original, with some colour changes, and a slight style difference.

The guitar I'm going to try and put some detail on, and I'm also considering giving him a tattoo. I think I'll be pretty close to done next week, so stay tuned for the final product!!


  1. Oh gosh, I'm loving him....awesome stuff...

  2. Sarah your work is fantastic~what a challenge this assignment is~ I really love the direction you took with your "Player" When you complete the project and make posters of this piece I would love to order one! We are a family of artists and musicians~♥E

    1. Thanks for your encouragement! Artists and musicians seem to always go hand in hand don't they? - Sarah
