Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Not just crayon art! And a little competition too.

So my latest project has been so so much fun! I have been seeing all this crayon art on Pinterest lately, and decided that I wanted to have a go and see what I could come up with.

So I got a packet of Faber Castell crayons (I haven't used the cheaper generic brands, but Faber Castell is so nice and generally very good quality in all their other supplies, so I figured their crayons would work well and they did!), and I broke them up and placed them over the canvas, kind of randomly but not totally random.

I hot glued the crayon to the canvas first, using just a dab of hot glue - this way I didn't have to hold the crayon and burn my fingers until it melted enough to grip itself.

I really enjoyed melting the wax - the hairdryer was pretty hot and it worked quite quickly. I liked how once the stick itself was melted, I could use the directionality of the airflow to push the colours around and mix them together.

How the painting looked once all the wax was melted. I only used a small packet of crayons - 12 in total, and the canvas size is 24 x 48 inches, so not an overly small one.
The I spent some time deciding what I wanted to draw back into the picture, and thought that it would look cool to have a pair of eyes , but I didn't want them staring straight out, I wanted them to be a little bit more provocative.

I used collage here - I printed out a pair of eyes I liked - I had to play around with cropping the image and enlarging them to print on my A4 printer, then I played with the placing of them on the canvas until I found a pleasing composition.

The next step was to work with some ink and basically throw it onto the canvas. I used some Atelier interactive medium and water to create puddles, and let it dry overnight. (It took a while because well...water over wax.....won't soak in).

The next morning I started drawing my images into the picture using Faber Castell Pitt Artist pens which are India Ink in a pen form with a brush tip, so it's like using a paintbrush with the control of a pen. I love love love these!

I had a fair idea of what I was going for and I just got stuck in. Had some music playing (it helps me create!), and just went with the feel of the painting.

Once I got to this point, I knew I needed to take it slow and let the picture tell me when to stop. A few little tweaks to the white areas, and a couple of extra flowers on the right side, and viola! It's done!

And so here is where you come in! I am having a competition to name the painting. The winner will receive a print in time for Christmas! There are two ways to enter - either go to my Facebook page using the links at the top of this page, like the page, share it on your wall and leave a comment for me with your 'title'.
Share my blog on your blogsite, and leave a comment on this page with your 'title'.

You can enter more than once, just follow the rules for each entry (as in, you must share the page and comment for each entry!).
Competition will run until December 1st and my ever supportive husband will choose the winning title - it will be the one he feels is the most creative and fits the most with the work! I'll contact the winner after the close of competition for their address!

Have a great day!

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