Thursday, 26 April 2012

A Brand New Studio and some finished work!

On Monday my amazing husband got to work converting our garage to a studio for me to paint and draw and print in! My art 'things' had ever-so-subtly encroached on the living and dining space...and our bedroom...and anywhere else that had a little bit of spare space. We decided it was time to make me a more practical space. So my aforementioned amazing husband set about setting up shelves, installing rubber flooring, putting up blinds, putting in insulation. And then he vacuumed and put stuff away...I tried to help but ended up trapping both my index fingers in the was banished from using yet another household tool! (After breaking my thumb in two places using a hammer just before Christmas - obviously I am now not allowed to use the hammer, hehe!) Then he put in one of the most important aspects - an iPod dock to play tunes while I work (and so he can sit on the couch in there and talk to me while I create!)

So after all that was done, I had a lovely new studio just awaiting me to actually do some work in it! After missing a fair amount of school last term, I have got a lot of catching up to do, so today I got started on some of that.

I'm sure you remember my reduction linocut from a few blog posts ago. Well it has lain three quarters done for the past 2 months, and today I FINALLY finished it! All that was left to do after cutting away the last layer was to apply the final layer of colour - black - and use the awesome registration 'gizmo' that the wonderful teacher Teresa let me borrow, and voila! Eleven completed prints, all drying right now in a space that doesn't need to be packed up to allow for children to eat dinner or silly things like that!!!

I must say, it really was rather exciting to be working in my own I was making a lovely black ink mess on my table, it felt great to know that it is MY space. Space for paintings to be done and well as space for drawing and printing and cutting and making and creating in general. I love it, and today was definitely the first of many many exciting projects to come from my new work space.

Prints laid out to dry

Ghost print, only blue and black
Final product = white, blue, red and black reduction linocut print. A3 size on cartridge paper.



  1. Oh, there's no stopping you now baby!

  2. I saw your awesome studio the other day and it's, well, awesome :o) and I love your linocut, I need to purchase one for MY studio please....thank you..
    See you next week
