Thursday, 22 May 2014

New Website!

Well folks I haven't blogged on here in quite a while. I ruptured a disc in my back a couple of months and I guess I kind of lost my blogging mojo. I wasn't able to get up and move around much so that meant no painting either.

However I am feeling pretty good now and back to work preparing for my upcoming exhibition. In light of that I made a pretty momentous decision. Well comparatively speaking that is.  I decided that I needed to lose the brand and concentrate on backing myself as an artist. I am proud of my art, and I've been working hard on being a 'proper artist'.
So from now on I am standing behind my own name and not hiding behind a brand name.

And on that note, I'm going to send you all along to my new website.

Have a look around and be sure to bookmark the site! You can still follow me on google+ , facebook, pinterest and twitter where I'll share links to blog posts on my new site.
Drop me a line over on the new site and let me know what you think of it!

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